No To Hattatsu. 2005 Jan;37(1):26-30.

High functioning pervasive developmental disorder: coexistence with other clinical disorders

Nishimura M, Hashimoto T, Miyazaki M, Mori K, Kuroda Y.

Department of Pediatrics, Tokushima University School of Medicine, Tokushima.


We examined 50 children in high functioning pervasive developmental disorder (HFPDD) to study the comorbidity with other clinical disorders by questionnaires. Seventy-two percentage of them met the criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). The majority of the children had intelligence quotient less than 90. Learning problems, motor control problems, abnormal responses to sensory stimuli and anxiety disorder frequently coexisted in the children. Since clinical symptoms of HFPDD so diverse, it is possible that some children with HFPDD may be overlooked and diagnosed as having its coexisting disorders.
