Published in Education Forum Magazine, OSSTF, Vol. 32, Issue 3, Fall 2006

Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D.,

Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University

Peterborough, ON, K9J 7B8, CANADA,

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We designed a wellness questionnaire based on an abbreviated list of symptoms common in radio wave sickness or electrical hypersensitivity. Electrical hypersensitivity (EHS) is defined by the World Health Organization in 2004 as: “a phenomenon where individuals experience adverse health effects while using or being in the vicinity of devices emanating electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields....EHS is a real and sometimes a debilitating problem for the affected persons.” Teachers completed this questionnaire at the end of each school day documenting their energy, health, mood, performance and another questionnaire documenting the behavior of students in their last class of the day. This single blind study lasted 6 weeks. To my surprise both teachers and students improved while the filters were installed. Teachers were less tired (50%); less frustrated (45%); less irritable (35%). They had better health and more energy (30%) while the filters were installed. During this period they had a greater sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, were more focused, and experienced less pain. Student behavior also improved especially in the elementary grades with the filters. Fewer students were late for class. It took less time to start class and less time was spent unproductively. Students were better able to focus, they were more active, less disruptive, and needed instructions repeated less frequently. Symptoms often associated with ADD or ADHD were the behaviors that improved while the filters were installed.