Acta Paediatr. 1999 Dec;88(12):1364-8.

Transmission of primary nocturnal enuresis and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Bailey JN, Ornitz EM, Gehricke JG, Gabikian P, Russell AT, Smalley SL.

Neuropsychiatric Institute, University of California at Los Angeles, 90024, USA.


Primary nocturnal enuresis (PNE) is a prevalent disorder among children with a complex mode of inheritance. Family, twin, and linkage studies have provided evidence that genetic factors underlie the familiality of PNE. Linkage investigations support the hypothesis that PNE is heterogeneous, and the genetic heterogeneity may be reflected in co-morbid clinical conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This study used a family study method and examined the transmission of PNE in relatives of PNE and control probands with and without ADHD, to determine if these disorders co-occur due to common genetic susceptibilities or other, i.e. non-genetic, reasons. This study concluded that the pattern of inheritance found is consistent with the independent transmission of PNE and ADHD.