J Paediatr Child Health. 1995 Dec;31(6):508-12.

Bedwetting and psychopathology in adolescents.

Rey JM, Bird KD, Hensley VR.

Department of Psychiatry, University of Sydney and Rivendell, New South Wales, Australia.


OBJECTIVE: To ascertain whether nocturnal enuresis in adolescents is associated with depression, hyperactivity, oppositionality, conduct and peer problems. METHODOLOGY: This was investigated cross-sectionally in adolescents aged 12-16 years from a community sample (n = 528) and a clinically referred cohort (n = 2325) using parents' reports. RESULTS: Referred adolescents were 7 times more likely to wet the bed than their community counterparts. There was a small but significant association between nocturnal enuresis and hyperactivity. Depressed adolescents were half as likely to wet the bed as those without depression. Bedwetters had more problems relating to peers but were not disliked more often. There was no association between bedwetting, oppositionality, conduct problems and gender. Gender differences disappeared when the effect of hyperactivity was controlled. CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians need to inquire about symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adolescents who present with enuresis and vice versa.
