J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 1994 Mar;35(3):477-90.

Mother-child interactions and noncompliance in hyperactive boys with and without conduct problems.

Gomez R, Sanson AV.

School of Psychology, University of Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.


Mother-child interaction, and parent ratings of child noncompliance and defiance among hyperactive boys with conduct problems (H/CP), hyperactive boys without conduct problems (H), and normal boys (N) were compared. Results indicated more negative mother-child interactions and more noncompliance in the H/CP group than in the other two groups. The H group was more noncompliant than normal children, but these groups showed no differences in defiance, nor in the behaviour of mothers. The implications of these findings in relation to the development of conduct problems in hyperactive children, treatment and research are discussed.
