J Abnorm Child Psychol. 1999 Aug;27(4):323-9.

Nausea during pregnancy: relation to early childhood temperament and behavior problems at twelve years.

Martin RP, Wisenbaker J, Huttunen MO.

Department of Educational Psychology, University of Georgia, Athens 30602, USA.



Associations between maternal nausea during pregnancy and child behavioral outcomes were investigated in a large birth cohort. Generally, 2nd- and 3rd-trimester nausea were more predictive of child outcomes than 1st-trimester nausea. Children whose mothers reported nausea in middle or late pregnancy had lower sensory thresholds and higher levels of activity and emotional intensity in infancy and were reported to be lower in task persistence at age 5. At age 12, these children were viewed by teachers as more careless with their school work and as having more attentional and learning problems.

