Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr. 2004 Jan;53(1):3-18.

Prevalence and stress factors of sleep disorders in children starting school

Kraenz S, Fricke L, Wiater A, Mitschke A, Breuer U, Lehmkuhl G.

Klinik fur Psychiatrie u. Psychotherapie des Kindes- u. Jugendalters der Universitat, Robert-Koch-Strasse 10, 50931 Koln.


Epidemiological studies of sleep disturbances in preschool and school-aged children are under-represented in international clinical research. Based on this fact we investigated the prevalence of insomnia and parasomnia in a representative sample of school-novices in Cologne in 2002 (Cologne Children's Sleep Study). We have also considered the relationship between sleep problems on the one hand and sleep hygienic variables, physical and somatic healthy factors and behavioral problems on the other. A high prevalence of insomnia problems (15%) and repeated nightmares (14%) in children of this age were found in parent's report. Thereas sleep-walking, night terrors and daytime sleepiness were reported less frequently. Children having a solid sleep-wake-schedule show significant less problems to fall into sleep and feel sleepy during the day. Moreover we focused the correlation between disturbed sleep and multiple influencing, as light irritating and noise. We found a two- to three times elevated risk for hyperactive and emotional problems for children with insomnia or parasomnia complaints with regard to the comorbidity of behavioural difficulties. These findings underline the necessity for diagnostic clarifying of sleep disturbances and intervention programs for behavioural disturbed and isolated sleep impaired children.
