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  3. Kozer E, Effetti dell'esposizione prenatale alla marijuana, Can Fam Physician. 2001
  4. Antonello Vanni, Cannabis e Scuola: proposte per tutelare gli studenti, 2007
  5. Julia S. Nolanda,T et al, Prenatal drug exposure and selective attention in preschoolers, Neurotoxicology and Teratology 2005
  6. Huizink AC, Mulder EJ., Maternal smoking, drinking or cannabis use during pregnancy and neurobehavioral and cognitive functioning in human offspring, Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2006
  7. H. El Marroun et al, Intrauterine cannabis exposure leads to more aggressive behavior and attention problems in 18-month-old girls, Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011
  8. Nancy L. et al, The Effects of Prenatal Marijuana Exposure on Delinquent Behaviors are Mediated by Measures of Neurocognitive Functioning, Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2011
